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Young people are very welcome here and there are many things they can be involved in.


Children are welcome at any of our services, however our Sunday 10am service is specifically catered for children with a kids talk, song and kids church during the sermon.



Sundays at 10am


Our Playgroup meets every Tuesday at 9:30am during school term. Visit our Playgroup page for more information.


Tuesdays 9:30am-11:30am, ages 0-6

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4:12 Kids

Run every Friday during school term, 4:12 Kids is a great place for Primary-aged children to hang out after school in a safe and fun space! Afternoon tea is included.



Fridays from 4-6pm school Years 2-6

Kids Holiday Club

Each school holidays we run a whole-day event for Kids in School Years K-6. This includes games, craft, lunch and more! Check our upcoming events for the next dates.

Every School Holidays, 9am-3pm

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4:12 is a youth group for teens. It includes dinner and loads of fun activities with a different theme each week.




Contact the church office to discuss.

Youth Day

A whole-day event for Youth in HighSchool, which involves either activities on-site, or an excursion offsite. Check our upcoming events for the next dates and details.

Contact the church office to discuss. 

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380 Terrigal Dr

Terrigal NSW 2260

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Part of the Uniting Church in Australia

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