As a not-for-profit organisation we rely on your support for our day-to-day operation.
We try to keep costs low and are very thankful for the support of many volunteers who help us to do this, however your valuable donations help us to maintain our small team of paid staff, who co-ordinate the general running of the church, including providing a nurturing and fun place for our kids, pastoral care for our community, music in our services, up-to-date communications and so much more!
Any support you can offer is greatly appreciated, and you can be sure that your money will be used responsibly for the work of God in the world.
ways you can donate:

In person
If you would like to contribute via cash or cheque you can drop this into our secure letterbox or place it in the offering box at church.

Via our online giving platform, or by direct credit to our bank account.
BSB 634634 ACC 100025889