A Psalm

Almighty God of the universe,
Our finite minds can scarcely take in the intricacies of your everchanging creation.
We stand in awe trying to fathom how great you are.
We marvel at new life, delightful friendships, unexpected surprises, reflections, sunsets and sunrises, full moon, rainbows, landscapes, ever changing beaches, the trickle of a stream, the magnitude of mountains, gorges and valleys, seasons…flowers, animals and adventures.
Curious! Besotted! Created by your breath!
We are overwhelmed but you are intimate!
You delight in our praise, prayers and worship…
You long for relationship!
You keep your promises, our best friend who never fails.
Help us to see you more clearly, recognise your voice,
And find life in you, daily, moving forward, running the race,
On into eternity.
In our struggles, you are our hope.
You heal our unravelled lives and broken relationships.
You teach us to forgive!
You replace our heartache with laughter
And the warmth of your love.
You transform our reluctance and fear
Into courage, willingness and acceptance of who we are, what we can be,
With your Holy Spirit creating His fruits in our uniqueness.
Not only do you lead us each step,
You carry us when life is too hard to bear.
Living God, light of our life, you are with us.
You keep your promises!
Somehow you do miracles just because we are available, flaws and all.
Sometimes it takes years and hindsight to see how you have always been there,
Answering prayer, making us part of your marvelous plan.
You reorientate us.
You change our souls from sadness and mourning
And fill us with peace that passes all understanding,
Joy, strength and hope.
I love you Lord.