Prayer for Strength - A Psalm of Hope

Our Dear heavenly Father,
We reach out to you to embrace you,
Though many in the world have forsaken
Or do not know you, yet you remember your children.
From the highest heavens your angelic messengers bring hope to our saddened spirit.
As we wait patiently for you to return.
We remember your promises that you will return to save your people.
In the morning our souls long for you,
We long for your touch to see you and to know you
With our hearts and mind, we reach out to you.
Please hold us firmly in your great arms of love
While the world waits on you,
to see how you will answer the prayers of your children.
We are not patient and loving as we ought to be
Change us and make us new in the blood of the Lamb
Please cleanse and forgive us for being distracted in following you.
We forget to love our families, we are impatient as we wait for you.
Sometimes our faith wavers and we nearly give up hope that
You will return and save us.
We thank you that you have promised to always be with us
And that you will never leave us nor forsake us.
You have promised to give us a song in our heart as we worship you,
And to follow you to the end of our days.
At last we will wait on your calling, we will sing your praises.
Please give us a song in our heart and help us to encourage the friendless and the lonely.
Thank you that you watch over us every moment of the day
And in the night time we will sing our praises to you.
We pray that nothing will ever separate us from you
And we thank you that your promises will not fail.
You will be with us to the end of time and we joyfully wait for the day
when we can walk with you in the beautiful home that you have prepared for us.
We will sing and praise you on that glorious day and every day
Until you come to take us to be with you forever.
Thank you in the precious name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour.