
Listen to my prayer Lord,
I call on you for you will answer me.
I really know you do....whenever and wherever I pray.
Right now there are so many who need your touch-
That beautiful young mother wrestling
with ongoing physical and mental issues –
Come to her, relieve and heal her.
Her husband and children, wearied and downcast –
May they see some progress,
May they know your comfort, your strength, your peace.
The friends who contemplate
endless days of treatment for their illness.
The grandparents suddenly taken ill
and now dependent on others.
Lord, so many are in pain and are downcast.
Open their eyes to see you and their hearts to hear you.
Help them know that you are reaching out to them.
Their pain feels so heavy.
Thank you that you want to take it for them.
You are the potter who caresses the clay,
You mould it, re-form it and create something beautiful.
I hand all this to you My Lord
And wait expectantly.